Pacific Northwest History Elementary K-1 Workbook

This is the Pacific Northwest History Elementary K-1 Workbook that can accompany the Pacific Northwest History Elementary Lesson Book. This workbook is best for pre­-readers to early readers, so it will also work well for Preschool children. This workbook has a coloring page for each lesson that children can color while listening as the lesson is being read out loud.


The Elementary K­1 Workbook is the youngest workbook that accompanies the Elementary Pacific Northwest History curriculum. This workbook is best for pre­-readers to early readers, so it will also work well for Preschool children. This workbook has a coloring page for each lesson that children can color while listening as the lesson is being read out loud. The coloring pages are not typical coloring pages in that most are taken directly from the lesson book, so many of the lines are very small. The purpose of the coloring pages is to give children something to do while they listen to the content of the lesson more than providing them with coloring pages to practice staying within the lines.

There is also a letter page for each lesson. Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet are covered 2­5 times this year. In addition to the letter pages, there are words for children to trace on each coloring page using our Sparrow Trace font. This font has a dot for each letter showing where children should put their pencils
to begin writing the letter. This is important so that children begin and end each letter at the best spot for the next letter.

This workbook would also work well for younger children of siblings who are doing the Standard Pacific Northwest History curriculum Lesson Book #1.

Children who are more comfortable reading and writing will want the 2nd­-5th Grade Workbook.


Full-Color Printed, Digital PDF, Both Full-Color Printed & Digital PDF



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Pacific Northwest History Elementary K-1 Workbook